Harley Davidson Import Duty India

When agreeing to allow Harley-Davidsons into the country in 2007 India had said a categorical no to lowering duties.
Harley davidson import duty india. The plan is part of ongoing trade talks with the US. US President Donald Trump may be on the verge of waging a trade war with India over high import duties on US goods like Harley-Davidson motorcycles but a top executive of the bike maker said the taxation structure in India has negligible impact on sales of fully imported bikes in the country. When they Harley Davidson send a motorcycle to India as an example they have to pay 100 per cent tax -- 100 per cent Trump said in his remarks to a gathering of governors of all the states.
Trump too was evidently unhappy with the duty reduction and wanted the tariff to. The proposed reduction in import duties will end up benefitting all motorcycles of that class and should. Harley Davidsons majority of sales come from the CKDs which are assembled in India.
And second the import duty being charged by the Indian government on imported vehicles both cars and motorcycles has now been reduced to 50 percent. The recent change in duty will bring down the. The import duty on all completely built-upCBU motorcycles is currently at 50 per centwhich was at 100 per cent earlier and was reduced in 2019 by the Centre after a Trump-Modi telephonic conversationbut the US president criticised the import duty as still too high and not acceptable.
Currently the import duty on such completely built-up CBU units is 50 percent which was previously brought down from 100 percent and is now expected. Harley Davidson bikes attract 100 per cent import duty in India. But the fact is that despite the tariff Harleys sales have grown by over 30 per cent in the past two years and Harley-Davidson dealerships have increased to 27 in 17 cities across India since the cult American brand started operations in India.
Most motorcycle makers are likely to pass on the benefit to buyers. Harley Davinson had to change its strategie of. The US President has repeatedly claimed that India imposes tremendously high tariffs on American products.
The bikemaker was also at the centre of a trade tariff debate between India and the US. It sells 17 Models in India. At an average of Rs 35 lakh the total import of Harley bikes last year of.