Harley Davidson Engine Number Location

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Harley davidson engine number location. This list is unofficial and is not gospel only what I have been able to cross in various manuals web sites and dealerships. Harley models produced prior to 1969 do not carry any frame number. The second pic is obviously the left side case above the primary.
2C12345H5 the model code would be 2C. Archive CollectionUltimate Harley DavidsonImplementation of the. Numbers located on both left and right crankcase halves.
Harley davidson engine number location is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can get it instantly. Harley-Davidson V-Rod Location of VIN engine Number and OBD connector. Look for a four-digit production code in the last four digits of the VIN.
Engine number location and numerous ebook collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. Along with them is this harley davidson engine number location that can be your partner. Check the first two numbers which represent the year the bike was manufactured.
We now have more than 5000 employees worldwide. From 1930 to 1962 the VIN number was the engine number and was only located on the left case. It is a liquid cooled dual overhead cam internally counterbalanced 60 degree V-twin engine with a displacement of 69 cubic inch 1130 cc producing 115 hp 86 kW at 8250 rpm at the.
Prior to 1969 Harley-Davidson used the engine number as the VIN which was located on the left side of the engine. As understood realization does not recommend that you have astonishing points. The Revolution engine is based on the VR-1000 Superbike race program developed by Harley-Davidsons Powertrain Engineering with Porsche helping to make the engine suitable for street use.